Is Satan Real?

December 2018 

I was recently asked to put the following developments in the context of an emerging one world religion:

1. The Gaiafield Project
The Gaiafield Project develops “subtle activism” practices, theories, and programs and works with like-minded groups to co-create local, national, and global networks of subtle activists to support a shift to a planetary culture of peace.

With the rise of the Internet and the increasing sophistication of electronic communication tools such as mapping, video streaming, and social networking, the capacity exists as never before to utilize the power of collective meditation and prayer to support positive change in the world. In the last decade, many groups and initiatives have emerged that share the vision of bringing people together around the world for global meditation events. Since 2006, the Gaiafield Project has been at the forefront of these efforts, working to create the intellectual, spiritual, social, technological, and organizational foundations necessary to best support the long-term growth of this emerging field and thus to best harness the power of collective spiritual practice to support a planetary shift to a culture of peace.

The Gaiafield Project has links with the Global Sisterhood:

“Every month (new moon) thousands of women in 80+ countries gather in Sister Circles to connect, grow, empower one another, and catalyze the transformation and progress of our world.” A bit like The Wing, also a sophisticated international witches coven with Hillary Clinton as their patron witch.

2. Peace Day 
The United Nations International Day of Peace and its supporters:

“Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. We invite you to engage in this global day in whatever way is meaningful for you/your organization”.

3. Sourcing the Way
Sourcing the Way unites strategic coaching with consulting for high-impact leaders and change agents who are ready to discover how radical transformation and a whole-systems sensitivity can enliven their careers, organizations, and society.

Our subtle-awareness technologies – including Resonance Mapping, Field Alchemy, Alchemical Events, Sourced Conversations, and Systems Sensing – engage the entire ecosystem of mind, body, consciousness, and realms beyond self and self-interest.”

From their blog:

“In June 2017, I had the great good fortune to meet Ben Bowler ((See Parliament of World Religions)  at a gathering of leaders working to bridge divides between science, spirituality, and activism in this time of deepening world crisis. As we sat outside in the early-morning summer sunshine, Ben shared a vision for UNITY EARTH – a living network of people, organizations, and events with a mission of healing humanity and Earth through experiences of actual Unity.”

4. Seven Floors to balance
A transformative tool for children: 7 Floors to Balance

I could add many more murky set-ups like these myself. So what is happening here? Are we seeing a drive towards a syncretistic melting pot of religions? Is this an attack on true Christianity? Is this a Satanist and Illuminati inspired plan towards one world religion? I believe that there is indeed a major satanic ingredient here that is often overlooked. It is also my opinion that we can only understand these fuzzy let’s-all-become-one-consciousness developments if we take the time to find out who Satan really is.

Is Satan real? If he isn’t, then all these developments can be seen as random manifestations of man’s fickle and selfish mind. But if he is, we’d better make it our business to find out everything we can about him. Because an unseen enemy in our midst can do a lot of damage, but the worst enemy is the one whose existence is even denied.

Satan’s origins
When God made the earth, the angels were gathered together, watching with excited expectation. And when the word was spoken and a beautiful jewel of a planet appeared out of nowhere, they shouted for joy and burst out in song. What an amazing spectacle!

But how was this beautiful place going to be taken care of? It was all planned in advance. God gave his top minister the job to monitor the earth and keep it in pristine condition. To aid him in this mission, a third of all the angels were given under his command. Each with his own area of expertise: water management, climate, flora, fauna - no aspect of earth was left unattended, and everything was to be taken good care of. The name of this top administrator (lord, prince, ruler) was Lucifer, the light bringer. The shining, the illuminating one. Regular reports were expected from him, for which he regularly travelled to the ruling centre of the universe called the Throne of Heaven.

We know that after some time, unspecified irregularities in Lucifer’s doings were brought to light. Lucifer had became disloyal to God the Father, his own Creator. He eventually rose to heaven in a coup to try and dispose God from His throne, but was thrown down to his domicile of earth. We can still see the results of this war in all the craters on the moon and planets. Satan’s rebellion even destroyed the surface of the earth. (The story of Genesis is the recreation and restoration of the earth’s surface, heralding the genesis or beginning of the human era.) Lucifer lost his name and received a new one: Satan. He had disqualified as the ruler and safekeeper of this earth but he still has to serve out his term until a new Lord is installed. This King, Jesus Christ, having overcome and qualified to replace Satan, is preparing right now at the government seat in Heaven to come back and restore peace and order to the earth, saving mankind from destruction under Satan’s misrule.

What is Satan like?
Satan is not made of physical matter like us. He is made of spirit: our human language lacks descriptors, but the closest we can come to it is the Greek word for breath or flowing of air: pneuma, or the Hebrew word for wind or breath: ruach, a flowing form of life energy, not subject to the laws of physics like time and decay, and not permanently sealed in one particular shape. Satan, like all other spirit beings, can transform himself into other shapes and make himself look like other beings. A kind of shape shifter. Spirit beings (both the true loyal and the evil rebellious ones) are invisible to us unless they choose to reveal themselves for a specific purpose.

But there is one thing Satan is lacking: the ability to (pro)create. He is neither male nor female, and cannot have real sex in the way humans do. This is a hot point of envy with him. Creativity is another virtue he was never imbued with – he was not made in God’s image like we are. Anything he endeavours must therefore be an inferior and twisted copy of something better. Finally, the knowledge that his term of office is almost over before he is incarcerated to await his execution upsets him the most. His time is up. He knows the verdict of being thrown into a roiling sea of fire is hanging over him: he will end up as the ‘burning man’ he likes to be acted out in various burning man rituals all over the world.

This is the spiritual entity people like the Luciferians, Satanists, Illuminati, Gaians etc worship. Worship means: to pay respect and to honour. A very dangerous habit considering that Satan is also known as the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning.

The worship of Satan can take on many forms, often incorporating certain distinguishing features that are Satan’s: a pointed star (his former title of Morning Star), red and black colours and symbols (blood and death, rebellion: poppies as a symbol of war and bloodletting), a red dot or a red ring or circle. Also: the corruption or twisting of male and female roles. Men dressing up as females, females behaving like men. Mutilation. Perverted sex. Human sacrifice.

Satan has also borrowed symbols that don’t really belong to him: the sun, the moon, and even the all-seeing eye on mankind (God’s prerogative) and the pyramid (symbol of God’s righteous government with Jesus Christ as the capstone) and so on.

Some satanic religions worship him in his male manifestation (Mithras, Moloch which means ‘king’, Zeus, Apollo, Baphomet etc), while others worship him in his female manifestation (Diana, Queen of Heaven, Gaia, Mother Earth). Ancient cultures knew that their many idols were each a different aspect of the same god. Satan is a bit gender confused – he never knows what he really is, and he wants us to feel the same. But the fact remains that he HAS no gender.

Being a spiritual being of music, Satan is also an expert on frequencies: he can and does broadcast emotions ranging from anger, depression, to self loathing, debauchery and identity issues. He broadcasts images and urges in our minds, persuading us to break God’s laws, often using music. He stirs up contention between family members, communities and nations. All this is achieved through frequencies as the military know all too well: like Satan, they have a specific radio frequency for every organ in our body, every kind of sickness, every emotion and every irrepressible type of action, to be used at will.

Satan is God’s enemy, and as we are made in God’s image, he is our enemy too. He hates our ability to procreate, the beautiful differences between males and females, the bonds within families, the colourful diversity of nations, the different races with their unique characteristics and talents, and most of all: children. Innocent beautiful children, evidence of a loving Creator God. Only a God of love and affection could create something as precious as little children – the focus of much of Satan’s murderous intent.

Identifying the enemy’s strategy
Sun Tzu: ‘To know your enemy, you must become your enemy.'

Question: what would you do in Satan’s position?

Here you are: you are ruling over a planet with humans you hate. Your last attempt to take over the universe failed – you were thrown out of heaven. Your time is up. You have been sacked and disqualified. All that’s left for you is to sing your sorry Bohemian rhapsody while you await your execution. Your replacement with a multitude of spiritual armies is on his way soon to arrest and oust you unless…

Could you weaponise humanity to fight against the soon to arrive new King? Like hostages, or child soldiers: force them to fight against their Saviour, or even better, dupe them into partaking in your last stand. A stroke of genius: the new King, Jesus the Saviour fighting the ones whose lives He pledged to save.

But you would have to unite those humans first. How would you do that after you have spent centuries dividing them, setting them up against each other and destroying peace, harmony and collaboration through wars and envies? You would have to use a powerful tool to lock them into step. The problem is your lack of creativity. You don’t have that quality – you were never given it. That means you have to use a tool for unity and one-ness that already exists and twist it for your own purposes: the tool of covenants - a peaceful system originally intended for creating close knit families, clans and nations, living, working and serving as one, peacefully under one God. You can twist this into a system of evil slavery, bonding mankind into an evil version of a universal, worldwide covenant, sworn into allegiance, working together against the soon to come Son of God.

But you are not Satan. You are a human being trying to make sense of the chaos in your world while trying to live a decent life. But you CAN know where Satan is going with all of this talk of the Gaiafield Project, United Nations Peace Day, Sourcing the Way and so on. Because their talk of becoming one, inclusion, uniting, common consciousness, and connecting are all phrases related to a system of covenants.

Following the tracks of these organisations will sooner or later bring you to mentions of the Global Covenant: an all-encompassing system of state, religion, industry, trade, finance, resources, property, animals and humans locked into a digital all-seeing eye of the internet of things, captive under one god: Satan. Its twisted version of the Ten Commandments is called the Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. All who enter into this covenant are required to have their leaders go to Rome first: delegations of major corporations, heads of religions, mayors and world leaders. Because Rome is the false Jerusalem, and the Pope is a false Christ through which mankind must enter into a Global Covenant of slavery.

Although there seem to be separate Global Covenants, they are in effect one and the same:
  • Christian churches unite under a Global Covenant Against Religious Violence, while the so-called ‘interfaith’ movement herds the rest into the Covenant for World Religions
  • The destruction of sovereign states through the Global Covenant of Mayors
  • Selling humans to corporate business under a Global Social Compact (which is a covenant),
  • World leaders unite with their own version of the Global Covenant,
  • Young Millennials are given a common identity as Global Citizens

Eventually all of these separate Global Covenants will merge into one big Global Covenant of Peace: the Big Lie to unite mankind into a covenant to wage the War of Wars against his own Saviour.

Satan knows where Jesus will return: to the Holy Land, where He will set up his government in Jerusalem. Satan’s plan is to converge all of the world’s armies around the Holy City and deceive them into fighting Jesus Christ at His return. He intends to make Jerusalem a place of destruction and bloodshed.

The good news is that we will have a victorious and righteous King who will put Satan away. As the devastation of Satan’s last stand will be cleared, mankind will gradually be settled in a restored and wholesome environment of real peace and production, where individuals, families and nations can spread out their wings under a true new covenant of peace, to grow and to develop and to thrive. They will not be hampered and hurt by Satan’s abusive and oppressive misrule any more. Only then will man be able to worship together in unity at the feet of a righteous and loving Lord Protector of everything: Jesus Christ.


At the point of creation, the earth was perfect:

“Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding.
Who determined its measurements?
Surely you know!
Or who stretched the line upon it?
To what were its foundations fastened?
Or who laid its cornerstone,
When the morning stars sang together,
And all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Job 38

By the time of Genesis, the earth’s surface had been destroyed:

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep.
Gen 1:2

Without form: Hebrew tohu - to lie waste
Void: Hebrew bohu - from an unused root (meaning to be empty); a vacuity, i.e. (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin undistinguishable ruin

Two separate moments in time. God created the earth so perfect that the angels shouted for joy. But it became an indistinguishable ruin and had to be restored by God in preparation for creating man.

Satan travelling to the Throne in heaven for a report:

Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them.
Job 1:6

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