Two days
ago, I made the mistake of reading through the Institute of International
Finance’s report entitled “The Business of Financial Inclusion: Insights from Banks inEmerging Markets” before going to sleep, but my outrage over what I had
read kept me awake, so I got up again and wrote the post entitled “I think we have a new playing field” in the middle of the night.
Taking candy from the children
Two days later and I am still simmering. I am not done with the subject yet. I remembered the result of some research
carried out by psychologists at the University
of California Berkeley and the University of Toronto. They wanted to know if rich
people’s behaviour was much different from those who are not so wealthy, and in
particular how they behaved ethically. After analysing their experiments on
people from different backgrounds, they were taken aback at the outcome:
… the extreme lengths to which wealth and upper
rank status in society can shape patterns of self-interest and unethicality.
When given a jar of candy that they were told
was for children in a nearby lab -- though they could take some if they wanted
-- the richest people took more candy than anyone else.
"On average, people in the upper rank
condition took two times as much (candy), so it was a pretty sizeable
So it
shouldn’t surprise us that bankers don’t hesitate to force poor people into
debt for their own profit. Much worse than stealing sweets from children. It’s
disgusting. But why now? And why the rush towards ID2020 and a cashless
Looting the West
Paul Craig Roberts , former
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy for the Reagan
administration came with an interesting observation:
The West has been looted.
Normally, in the past, when people find they
have excessive debt, or governments have excessive debt they can’t service, the
debt is written down to an amount that can be serviced. For example when Mexico
couldn’t pay in the 1980s, the debt was written down. The US government came up with Brady Bonds which was a
way of writing down debt.
But now that looting is completely unleashed,
the rule is that if the government can’t pay, the Greek people have to pay. And
the way they have to pay is to accept cuts in their public pensions, cuts in
employment, lower wages, cuts in social services and they have to sell of their
municipal water companies, the ports, the state lottery, the protected national
islands and all of this money that is used to pay the private bankers that lent
the Greek governments money that did not really benefit the Greek people very
much, but it benefited the foreign recipients [inaudible] such as the purchase
of German submarines
So this is a looting process. It’s a way that
the colonialists looted the colonies, and Africa and Asia and now what we see
is that the West is looting itself – Ireland, Iceland (that failed), Greece,
Italy and Spain … Portugal has been looted and this all happens because the
people accept it.
This reminded
me of these ancient words:
They have teeth like swords
and fangs like knives.
They devour the poor from the earth
and the needy from among humanity.
and fangs like knives.
They devour the poor from the earth
and the needy from among humanity.
Brimming with confidence while the system collapses
independent media are currently rightly worried about the impending collapse of
pensions, the popping of various bubbles like housing, car loans and student
loans and the insanity of the stock markets as they race pell-mell and headlong
towards the cliff. Will the dollar collapse or will it rise against other
currencies while losing value against precious metals? I am not even going to
pretend I am a financial know-it-all, but if there is one thing that is making
me sit up and pay attention, then it is the brimming confidence of the banks as
they are in the process of putting everything into place for ID2020 in a
cashless society: a new system that promises mountains of gold for the banks
and big corporations.
The yoke of 'customer comfort'
And all we
hear is the same mantra over and over again: ending poverty, financial
inclusion for every global citizen by 2030, access to financial ‘services’ but
as we can see in the banks’ own strategic planning, there is no sign of
altruistic sentiment or even a smidgeon of humanity in the way they prepare to
fleece the poor under a yoke of so-called ‘customer comfort’.
Gang of Four
biometric ID2020 is being brought to us by three groups, perhaps four:
with their hunger for power and fear of losing control, represented by the
United Nations. Under the guise of ending poverty and disease, vaccinations are
pushed as the Entry Point for the digital financial identity
‘merchants of the earth’: greedy big corporations and their gaggle of
‘charities’. Media corporations to lie to us, biotech giants to develop
biosensor technology, big pharma to create disease as well as the vaccines to treat them and so
perhaps the most voracious of them all: the banks. Central banks, national
banks, financial institutions together with their enablers and minions
finally, a party I have not looked at in detail yet, but will in due course:
the Vatican,
aiming to represent all the major religions and gather the world under her bird
of prey wings
lies, deceit and faits accomplis they bully their way towards a nightmare of a
world in which the poor and needy are trampled on and looted of what little
they have. You can
tell I’m pretty angry at the moment. The more I read their own documents, the
more it makes my blood boil.
So what can
we do?
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Two things. First, break the
secrecy. Negative public awareness campaigns are the bane of the banks, and they
are willing to dig deep into their pockets to think of ways to build trust with
the customer, as you can see from the Institute of International Finance’s report. Documents like these need to be
spread, and information and warnings about the ID2020 project needs to be
Secondly, and most importantly, build the
family unit: men and women working together to strengthen this important
cornerstone of society, with sovereign men taking the lead to care for their
families, protecting them and providing for them (if this
system still allows them), supported by strong women who refuse to be duped and deceived.
Perhaps we can channel our anger into building something enduring that will last for generations as an antidote to all the godless anarchy we see unfolding.
The banks can not control bitcoin.
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